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ДОЧЬ САМУРАЯ, 79 - 10 ноября 2012 09:05

Petraeus submitted his resignation and cited an extra-marital affair as the reason.
WASHINGTON - The CIA director Gen. David H. Petraeus said he was resigning because he had exercised "extremely poor judgment' in conducting an extra-marital affair.
In a statement to the CIA workforce, Petraeus wrote, "Yesterday afternoon, I went to the White House and asked the president to be allowed, for personal reasons, to resign from my position as D/CIA. After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours."
"Dave's decision to step down represents the loss of one of our nation's most respected public servants," Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said in a statement, according to Reuters. "From his long, illustrious Army career to his leadership at the helm of CIA, Dave has redefined what it means to serve and sacrifice for one's country.".
Obama accepted the resignation and said the general has "made our country safer and stronger," according to the Associated Press
"I am completely confident that the CIA will continue to thrive and carry out its essential mission, and I have the utmost confidence in Acting Director Michael Morell," Obama said in a written statement, according to Reuters.
There is no indication Petraeus broke any agency rule in connection with his admitted affair, sources familiar with the matter said. The CIA has no broad rule banning officials from engaging in extramarital affairs though, if discovered, liaisons by CIA personnel with suspected foreign agents would pose security problems for a U.S. agent, Reuters also reported.
"By any measure, through his lifetime of service, David Petraeus has made our country safer and stronger,” the president said, according to the New York Times. “Going forward, my thoughts and prayers are with Dave and Holly Petraeus, who has done so much to help military families through her own work. I wish them the very best at this difficult time.”
Morell is a leading candidate to be Petraeus' permanent successor, sources said. He earned Obama's trust when he frequently briefed the president during planning for the operation to take down Osama bin Laden, a senior administration official said, according to Reuters.
"He's respected, a straight shooter, and has great relationships with the White House and Capitol Hill. Not to mention over 30 years of agency experience," said a former CIA official to Reuters, who called Morell "the odds-on favorite."
Other possible candidates being discussed on Capitol Hill include John Brennan, Obama's chief counter-terrorism adviser; Obama's national security adviser Thomas Donilon; and former congresswoman Jane Harman, who chaired the House intelligence committee.
Petraeus' resignation also adds a new vacancy on Obama's national security team. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said she will leave after Obama's first term, and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is widely expected to leave as well.
Shortly after the announcement of the resignation, NBC News reported that the FBI was investigating Petraeus biographer Paula Broadwell for trying to access his email.
Holly Petraeus, the former CIA director's wife, is the assistant director of the Office of Servicemember Affairs at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Petraeus took over as head of the CIA in September of 2011. Before taking over the CIA, he had led the surge into Iraq under former President Bush.

:D карочи - перевожу
для одаренныхх
Добавить комментарий Комментарии: 18
DfktyjU , лет11 ноября 2012 08:55
ДОЧЬ САМУРАЯ , 79 лет11 ноября 2012 08:52
подальше спрячь...... а то не ровён час рассекрекретят- на ржачь пробъет не по децки
DfktyjU , лет11 ноября 2012 08:47

толька эта сикрет
ДОЧЬ САМУРАЯ , 79 лет11 ноября 2012 08:42
если больше нечем
DfktyjU , лет11 ноября 2012 08:41
я горжусь этим
ДОЧЬ САМУРАЯ , 79 лет11 ноября 2012 08:35
ну вот у добрых и дрочи
DfktyjU , лет11 ноября 2012 08:34
я не могу

чё злая такая?
ты же весёлая
я та знаю
ДОЧЬ САМУРАЯ , 79 лет11 ноября 2012 08:31
а подрочить сходи в другой днефф
DfktyjU , лет11 ноября 2012 08:26
я думал пра любофь

апять ашибся (
ДОЧЬ САМУРАЯ , 79 лет11 ноября 2012 08:23
ап вас

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