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Лилия, 58 - 16 апреля 2013 19:12


yo what's up world
It's your boy Philochko here

and today, I'm in Moscow
what am I doing here?
I don't know, but I'm here
but anyway today I want to make a quick video for you
because i've been busy lately
but you know I love you guys
I love you guys very very much
so, I'ma teach you ways to say
"I'm cold"
— — whatever, I'm cold
I'll teach you ways to say it in english
two regular ways to say it then one slang way

One regular way to say I'm cold when it's really cold like right now is
and when you're freezing, it means you're really cold
and it's similar to like, when a police officer
in a movie, american movie
you know they, they'll see the bad guy and they say
and the bad guy does this
and he won't move, that's like freezing
because when you're cold you're — you know
you wanna hunch up, you know, you wanna cuddle with somebody
and you wanna cuddle or something with the camera woman
but you do something crazy, like that

Another way to say I'm cold is
"It's brisk"
B-R-I-S-K, "It's brisk"
another way to just say it's cold
it's not too properly used
but this is definately something that'll make you sound smart
and you should definately use it in your school or your university
it'll make you sound a little smarter than usual
if you say brisk, make your english vocabulary sound better
and people are waving at me

And third and last one for today because it has to be a quick video
is a slang term, and if you wanna say, in slang that you're cold
in New York or America, the best thing to say is
"It's madd brick"
"madd brick" means its very cold
and "madd" is spelled "M-A-D-D" here
because that "madd" means "a lot" or "very much"
it exaggerates something, and then you have "Brick"
not "Brisk", "Brick"
that's the slang way of saying cold
lot of other slang meanings for the word "Brick"
but this time we're talking about cold
so if it's really cold, you say
"It's madd brick"
if you're with your friends
but you don't want to say that in school or at work
so, just a little tip for you guys while im here and FREEZING!
It's brisk, and it's madd brick
and basicly, that's the end of the episode for today
I hope you liked it, I hope you enjoyed it, I hope you learned new stuff
be sure to add me, VK. com/Philochko
that's me, and subscribe to my youtube page to see all my videos
and Moscow's looking beautiful
I'm about to go get drunk and uh have fun so
HEY come see me while i'm here, I'll be in St. Petersburg, uh
early february so
i'll see a lot of you there so, Later!

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