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Euphoria, 34 - 6 мая 2007 20:22

It slowly went on a crude roadway from a downpour.
It seemed to it, that time has stopped … Having passed some more steps, it has stopped, has looked back, as though checking, whether who watches for it, then again wished to go, but has suddenly fallen to knees and has begun to sob. It sobred violently, it was the cry from the heart appealing about the help. The pain concealled in its shower, was pulled out with tears. To it it was lonely, and it seemed, that it was one in this world. It Seemed already sits on a wet roadway long enough, and it was only minute. Twilight were condensed above it. Suddenly, it has felt a touch, having turned back, it has seen through a veil of the tears, the greased shadow. Tears pressed it. It has whispered something and has fainted. The shadow has picked up it and somewhere has carried away … Having regained consciousness, it has not understood where to be. It laid in any another's bed. A number on a bedside-table stood a glass of water. Ideas as wild birds began to be carried by in its head. To it it was terrible. So it has stayed about twenty minutes of crying for fear and burning. And then, as if tears have run low. It has gradually come to the senses, has looked round around. The room was frightening. Naked walls, a bed in the middle of a room and a bedside-table. Behind a door strange sounds were audible. Suddenly, the door has opened and the woman has entered into a room. In black clothes. It was thin, its leather there were white, eyes reddened, roofing felts from tears, roofing felts of that it did not sleep. It has told nothing, has simply put on a floor a tray with meal and has left. The girl not at once has understood, that has occured, but has then run up to a tray and has opened a cover. Under a cover there were worms, thick opposite and they moved. From a fright it has cried. On its shout strange essences have entered into a room, strange and awful. First it spoke, something whisper, but nobody understood it, then it has started to speak in a voice, and then loudly to shout. To it was terribly and painfully. It understood, that its death is close. And suddenly that woman who has brought a tray has entered into a room. It something has told to one of essences, and that has given it a dagger. The dagger was long and sharp. The woman has approached to it, has seized by hair and cut to the girl a neck. Essences silently send from a room, and the woman long stood and looked, how blood flows to its legs. And has then taken off from a room having reserved a black trace...
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